General Chemistry

The General Inorganic Chemistry Department at RTI Laboratories has knowledgeable chemists that are well versed in wet chemistry methods. Our team has extensive experience in the analysis of water, wastewater, soil and sediment for a full range of analytes. All general inorganic analyses are performed in accordance with federal and state guidelines and the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Where applicable, analyses will conform to the criteria specified in 40 CFR Part 136.
Available Methods Summary:
Analyte | Method |
Alkalinity | SM 2320B |
Anions: Bromide, Chloride, Fluoride, Nitrate, Nitrite, o-Phosphate, Sulfate | EPA 300.0, 9056A |
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD) | SM 5210B |
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) | EPA 410.4 |
Conductivity | EPA 120.1, SM 2510B |
Cyanide | SM 4500 CN-E, EPA 9012B |
Available Cyanide | ASTM D6888 |
Hexavalent Chromium | SM 4500 CR-B, EPA 7196A |
Nitrogen, Ammonia | SM 4500 NH3-D |
Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl | EPA 351.2 |
pH | SM 4500 H+-B, EPA 9040C |
Phenolics, Total | EPA 420.2 |
Phosphorous, Total | SM 4500 P-F |
Solids, Total | SM 2540B |
Solids, Total Dissolved | SM 2540C |
Solids, Total Suspended | SM 2540D |
Solids, Total Volatile | EPA 160.4 |
Sulfide | SM 4500 S2-D |
Total Organic Carbon | SM 5310B, SM 5310C |
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